People pass through my life when they need to make a change or find a new direction.
— Incarnation Cross: A Guidebook of Purpose Archetypes by Brynja Magnusson

What’s different about working with me?

I have an innate ability to notice and see things other people miss. I readily tune into the subtle patterns of how you embody and express your energy in relationship to the individual people in your world, as well as your circumstances and environment. Having someone witness and speak to our energetic patterns can bring the unconscious confusion to the surface to implement CHANGE in a way that is helpful and hopeful!

All of these offerings are designed to help you navigate change and establish a new direction by accessing your inherent wisdom, and discover what your soul’s true purpose is.

How we can work together:

  • Energy Coaching as a catalyst for change. I can teach you how to sense and work with your own energy to create new possibilities in your body and your life

  • Mind Shifting… a revolutionary method of coaching to clear imprints and limitations held in the subconscious

  • The Akashic Records to help you understand your soul's unique design and the ancient history you may be carrying from times long past. We bring in guidance from a higher realm to illuminate current challenging areas with new insight

  • Integration to reconnect to the inner child aspects of self that need resolution and healing, to allow the adult self to flourish

  • Human Designyour very personal and detailed blueprint for living this life. Learn how to use your aura’s unique configuration to make aligned decisions, and understand how you can best function in relationships, work, and more

  • Tarot’s use of beautiful and colorful images for the story they tell about your psyche and the collective unconscious. As inner and outer influences are understood and clarified, making new choices becomes easier

  • Energy Healing with the Angelic realm and healing frequencies to give your system a deep reset

  • Sacred Space Clearing to realign the energy of your home to your divine nature so your living space supports your growth

You have my promise that I will do my very best in each session with you, that I will be honest with you, and I will hold a heart-centered presence for you.

All readings are digitally recorded and a link to download the recording will be promptly emailed to you at no additional charge. My most popular services are listed below. If you’d like to talk with me before scheduling, please set up a free 20-minute consultation so together we can choose the best direction for you!

Intuitive Guidance Reading: 60-75 Minutes $200

In this session we may draw upon Energy Coaching, the Akashic Records, Channeled Guidance and the Tarot. We can also look at elements of your Human Design chart to address your topics of concern.

This is the session you choose when you have specific questions or challenges. This is a very interactive reading designed to expand your awareness and reinstate your personal power. Sessions are always informative, illuminating, and often quite touching as you come to know your own divine nature, experience self-love and worthiness, and begin to move in a direction of greater ease and purpose for your life.

Are there several topics you’d like to explore? We can customize a series of sessions to supply you with tools and insight to expand your consciousness and provide a spiritual uplevel!

The package sessions at a discounted rate are as follows:

3 sessions at $180 each, $540 (save 10%)

5 sessions at $170 each, $850 (save 15%)

10 sessions at $160 each, $1600 (save 20%)

(Can also be used as Gift Sessions to others)


Energy Healing Session: One Hour, $150

We’ll begin with a few moments on the phone to discuss our purpose for your session. Then for most of the session you will be lying down in a comfortable, receptive state while I go to work.  I’ll be tapping into your energy field, noticing and respectfully interacting with energy patterns in and around you with healing frequencies, providing more clarity in your energy field, and sometimes traveling back in time to shift an experience that had an impact that was disruptive to your field, or to access a time of truly feeling great. When my work with the frequencies is complete, I will call you on the phone again and we will talk about what occurred for you.

As the energy patterns that inform your physical body begin to shift, you may experience considerable changes in your body such as reduced or eliminated pain, change in organ function, greater relaxation, desire for healthier foods and exercise, even improved posture! I often give coaching to help you become more aware of how you respond to external influences and people that affect your body and your energetic field, and may provide simple exercises to support you in feeling grounded and centered in your everyday life.