By booking an appointment for a session, purchaser agrees to the following…
Disclaimer for Intuitive Guidance Sessions: The readings that I provide are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information that I give you, including any actions you take, is your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings and services I provide are not a substitute for other professional services and it is advised that you should seek recommendations from the relevant qualified expert.
All readings are done by appointment only, whether in person, by telephone or by video conferencing.
All reading sessions must be paid in advance through this website or by invoice.
Individuals under the age of 18 must have the consent of parent or legal guardian prior to scheduling a session.
For Intuitive Guidance readings, it's best to have specific and clear questions prepared in advance, it will allow for me to connect with your vibration and circumstances more easily.
All readings and remote property clearings are digitally recorded and a link to download the recording will be promptly emailed to you at no additional charge.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, a minimum of 24 hours notice is required. Less than 24 hours notice will result in forfeiture of fees paid. Exceptions are extended in cases of extreme weather (local appointments), illness, or family emergency. Thank you for understanding. Payments received for Readings, Property Clearings, and Healing Sessions are non-refundable. Paid sessions may be transferable to another recipient at my discretion.
If you have trouble, please call 719-433-8872 or email me at chris@bluejeanmystic.com so that I can directly invoice you through PayPal, Venmo, or Square, or accept your credit/debit card over the phone for the session you wish to purchase. Thank you!